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包邮 尼泊尔进口 绿度母 藏香5桶装套装 纯天然无化学添加
比起国内木屑混合一些化学香精当做藏香的香来说这款香品质很高 。
规格:长22cm (香长度19厘米) 每桶装24根
纯天然的材料 绝对没有化学添加剂
100%pure natural substances.Non-toxic & non-addictive.
Thi high quality incense stick is exclusively
prepared for a special offering to Zambala
(Norlha),the lord of wealth and prosperity.
The composition of this incense is based
of sacred Buddhist tantric text of JUDEY
and it is a blend of 48 different types of
medicinal herbal ingredients from the
YOLMO Mountain . offering of this highly
valuable incense to lord Zambala with
supreme respect and true devotion will
bring good luck ,happiness and prosperity
in our daily life
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最近销售:已售出9 掌柜:totonancy¥48 元
最近销售:已售出8 掌柜:totonancy¥144 元
最近销售:已售出4 掌柜:totonancy¥75 元
最近销售:已售出1 掌柜:totonancy¥75 元